Puppy Socialization

Early Puppy 
Socialization & Manners

Early socialization is critical for puppies. Introducing your puppy to new people, places, animals, sounds, movement and textures before he or she is 16 weeks old will help prevent behavioural problems down the road. Paws Dog Solution offers rolling enrollment classes to ensure that your puppy doesn’t miss out on this crucial socialization time. 

What is rolling enrollment?
Rolling enrollment means that new puppies can start whenever they are ready. Each class consists of a stand alone module, so you can jump in at any time. For example, if the group is in Week 4 of a 5-week session, you would take the classes in this order: Week 4, 5, 1, 2 & 3. 

In Early Puppy Socialization class, we will ensure your puppy has play time with other puppies and people, as well as exposure to new sights, sounds, surfaces and objects. We will introduce basic manners such as sit, down, stay, come, leave it and loose-leash walking. We will also address problem solving and elimination of undesirable puppy behaviours such as biting and jumping up.

Prerequisite: puppies must be 16 weeks or younger at the start of classes; proof of first vaccination required; puppy must have lived in the owner’s home for a minimum of two weeks before start of classes.

Start any Thursday
Cost: $150 + GST | 5 weeks

Contact us to enroll in Early Puppy Socialization classes! 

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